The Rise of the Fallen Race

Author: Arial Silverstar
Date: Wednesday, 8 February
The human race is capable of great beauty and great folly. This is an observable truth proven time and time again through the ages. We humans, in our great folly, will often attempt to justify our shortcomings by making it seem cool to be messed up. Others will travel the opposite road of total despondency about the human condition, isolating themselves from others and criticizing them

This is the direct result of severance from divinity. One may be tempted to say that this true more so now than ever, but we haven’t really changed all that much from 2000 years ago. People are still greedy, selfish, and utterly lacking in self-awareness. Even those who believe they are ‘enlightened’ or ‘awakened’ fall prey to this sort of egotistical refrain.

We are all asses, beasts of burden receiving abuse and enduring great suffering for mundane rewards. Transcending this drudgery is virtually impossible without divine grace. Gods are neither tied to flesh nor its temptations. It is we who have fallen from the higher spirit state into the flesh that binds us.

Denial of the flesh and complete aversion of earthly things is an impractical solution. We are here in the flesh for a reason. Humans are chronic backsliders and are ultimately beings of spirit made flesh, we cannot escape corporeality except for the final exit, physical death.

Before an initiate can truly embark on any sort of spiritual path, they must first become aware of their own brokenness. Modern philosophy is a gruelling stumbling block, as many who gravitate away from mainstream Abrahamic religions often wade through philosophical marshes that can ultimately lead to severe confusion or, at its worst, nihilism.

So where does one draw the line between mainstream morality and utter debauchery? Many attempts to grasp a happy medium by living by certain codes, rules, or commandments. While these are incredibly helpful for maintaining corporeal order and sense, they are utterly impractical for understanding the ethereal and esoteric aspects of the human condition.

These rules often devolve into a series of ‘do nots’ or ‘thou shalt nots’, which leaves a lot of grey area for the average reader. The first opportunity to turn these on their heads and view them from an utterly opposing angle is to read what is not allowed and determine what is thereby encouraged.

For instance, “Thou shalt not kill” (The Ten Commandments) or “I have not slain men or women” (The 42 Laws of Ma’at) can be reversed to imply a reverence for life, and living in a state of sowing life and creating. This could mean literally procreating and/or living an existence where one exercises the divine gift of creation. This could be further interpreted as a custodian of the ebb and flow of life by observing and celebrating the changing of the seasons and their relevance in not only nature, but everyday human life. Many modern Pagans embody this by observing the eight Sabbats, and thirteen Esbats.

In this way, one can develop a new kind of morality, one where the body and spirit are preoccupied with positive things to the extent where self-destructive urges are no longer a temptation. While this is certainly not the answer to everything, it can certainly help to augment a bleak outlook into something more fruitful. This is where the human steps into the realm of positive manifestation, and begins to take delight in living fruitfully, even when the fruit is few and far between. It is not abundance that makes us happy, but happiness itself, something that we can generate by not merely living for ourselves, but for one another.

Once we step away from self-pity and towards humility, we transform as beings. In doing this, a human being can re-forge a connection with divinity. Because the gods are not remote beings expecting worship, but humble servants in their own glorious right. When we bend the knee before the gods and exalt them, their heads don’t swell to galactic magnitudes. What do they do? They give us more. Because in giving with no expectation of receiving, we are keeping the wheels of the universe turning and by giving back, the gods are doing the same.

Why would a creator god even need to create anything? They’ve done it for us. They have given us creation, they have given us ourselves. They have also given us the divine spark, so that we can emulate them on earth and serve creation as they serve creation. We are stewards of a great home. It is time for us to step up and stop hating one another and hating ourselves. Integrate your newfound spiritual heights into your incarnate life. We have a dual nature, stop ignoring the other side of yourself. You are so much more than you expect.